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Victory Garden - it's Time, my friend.


We started a Victory Garden! Why? I love the name - so much HOPE effuses from it. And there is something tactile wonderful about dirt + plants + fresh air.

Here are a couple of #victorygardenideas. We opted for one level up from the simplest method. The first would be putting herbs in your window sill! We began a #pottedgarden with tomatoes, kale (used a cute pot to inspire me to enjoy it), beets, peppers. Next week or so, we'll add in herbs. Favorites are oregano, spearmint, lavender, basil to start.

Many kudos to my friends who have tilled the soil for yard gardens - even more to those with farms. #gratefulforyou

Have you thought of creating a victory garden? Looking for some more ideas? See # below. And let me know what you come up with! I want to see your #creativity!

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